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This course has started, but you can book the remaining sessions.

Aspire-Winter A Session- Monday & Friday

1/3-2/24 No Class 1/20 & 1/31

Started Jan 3
338 US dollars
Small World Avenue

Available spots

Service Description

About our Aspire Program The Aspire Program is for skaters who are starting to work on edges, turns, 1 foot spins & beginning jumps through advanced spins & Axel jump. We will be using the Learn to Skate USA curriculum. The focus of these classes is to build a strong skating foundation so that a skater can easily transition to different disciplines & higher levels of skating within USFSA & the opportunity to compete at our home competition in May. The Aspire Program skating levels are: Learn to Skate USA Basic 4-Freeskate 6. (The level descriptions is listed below) This Program will have 2 classes a week as well as an off-Ice class. Mondays they will have 45 mins of class & 30 mins of supervised practice time. Fridays there will be 30 mins of class & 30 mins of supervised practice time. There will also be a 30 mins off-Ice class afterwards. Aspire Skaters will receive a special Aspire Booklet that will have tips & tricks on skating, and a space for them to track their skating journey. They will also receive a progression chart quarterly from their instructor that shows their progress. Once they complete the season they will receive a badge for the level they passed, a Certificate of Completion, & a good bag.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • 1 Small World Avenue, Saugerties, NY, USA

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